Friday, September 14, 2012

replica bags I flew to

We met at Buenos Aires airport, and spent the next two weeks travelling around Argentina, and that's where it went from professional to romantic.
Thankfully it worked, otherwise it would have been a very uncomfortable holiday.
James had to return to Vanuatu and I returned back to London, but we saw each other that Christmas and during that time little Rosemary was made, somehow.
I'm still in denial about how that happened! We didn't find out until a couple of days before he was due to go back to Vanuatu.
I was pregnant.
In February we met halfway again, in LA, just for a week.
And it was there that he proposed to me.
In louis vuitton replica bags I flew to Vanuatu and we got married on the beach.
It was the most relaxed ride ever, because James organised everything.
I just had to do the rings and the outfits - the 'man's job'.
It was a very, very beautiful day.
I'd love to do it again.
After our honeymoon, we visited friends and family.
Then in June we flew to New York for a two-week trip.
But Rosemary decided that she wanted to be an American girl and she came early.
I had her at 28 weeks.
She was very little: two pounds four ounces, or a kilo.
I'd had such a healthy pregnancy.
Everything had been fine – if Louis Vuitton Vernis Alma had any concerns I wouldn't have travelled in the first place, Just one afternoon I wasn't feeling very well and my waters broke- I didn't even know that was happening - I was pretty naive about everything.
We went to the hospital and I said, `I don't know.
Something's going on.
" And they said this is what happened: it's ruptured and you are at the start of labour.
I was like, `No, no, no.
I have to catch a flight back to London in a few days! " And they said, No, no, no.
you're not going anywhere now that this has happened.
We're going to try and keep you pregnant for the Louis Vuitton Monogram Vernis six weeks, then we'll bring the labour on.
- I was supposed to be having the baby in September, then it's June in New York and I'm being told I would have to stay in a hospital bed for the next six weeks.
We were shell-shocked.
We were married for only two months, then we were thrown into this realty trying, difficult period.
It was a Thursday when we went to the hospital.
Over the next few days I was on a machine.
On Sunday night, my contractions were getting more and more regular and the doctors told us that I was pretty much going into labour and that the baby was breached.

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